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Tuesday, October 16, 2001, updated at 23:26(GMT+8)

Chief of General Staff Meets Croatian Defense Minister

Fu Quanyou, chief of the General Staff of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, met Tuesday with visiting Croatian Defense Minister Jozo Rados.

Fu, also a member of the Central Military Commission, said that the two peoples and the two armed forces enjoy a traditional friendship. In recent years, China and Croatia have developed friendly cooperation in many fields. He said believes that the visit of Rados will further the friendly cooperative relations between the two armed forces.

Fu also briefed the guests on the achievements of China's opening and reform, China's foreign policy, defense policy, and army development, and the Chinese government's stand on the issue of anti-terrorism.

Rados said that the relations between Croatia and China are progressing well, and the two countries share the same views on many international issues. In recent years, the two countries have witnessed increased exchanges of high-level visits, and the two sides have maintained good cooperation in the military field.

Rados said he hopes to conduct more cooperation with the Chinese armed forces through his current visit.

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Fu Quanyou, chief of the General Staff of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, met Tuesday with visiting Croatian Defense Minister Jozo Rados.

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