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Tuesday, October 16, 2001, updated at 23:05(GMT+8)

Chinese Trade Minister Meets ROK Counterpart

Shi Guangsheng, minister of foreign trade and economic cooperation of China, met with Hwang Doo-yun, trade minister of the Republic of Korea (ROK), Tuesday afternoon.

Hwang came to attend an Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Ministerial Meeting.

Shi and Hwang exchanged views on relevant topics of the ministerial meeting,and both held that APEC meetings held so far this year have made new progress in strengthening the multilateral trade system, promoting trade and investment liberalization and facilitation,and economic and technical cooperation,and developing the new economy and e-business.

Both sides expressed the willingness to strengthen bilateral cooperation in APEC and other multilateral spheres, and make good preparations for the successful convening of the APEC Economic Leaders' Meeting.

The two ministers also discussed topics regarding the development of China-ROK trade relations and other issues.

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Shi Guangsheng, minister of foreign trade and economic cooperation of China, met with Hwang Doo-yun, trade minister of the Republic of Korea (ROK), Tuesday afternoon.

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