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Tuesday, October 16, 2001, updated at 14:42(GMT+8)

Foreign Reporters Pour Praises on Shanghai

Foreign reporters praised Shanghai for its beauty and the organizational work it has done for Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation meetings being held in the biggest commercial city of China.

Saori Matsufuji, coordinator for Japan's NHK Joho Network, said that Shanghai is a city beyond her imagination.

"I didn't expect Shanghai to be so beautiful and its infrastructure so advanced," she said on Tuesday in an interview with Xinhua in the International Media Center.

"We don't have any difficulty working here except the strict security measures, but we fully understand that," she said.

Andrew Browne, Reuters Beijing Bureau chief, also gave the organizational work of the APEC meetings the thumbs up. "This is the best organized APEC meeting I've been to," he said.

Browne is no stranger to China. He came to China almost a decade ago and opened Reuters' Shanghai Office in 1992, the first Western news agency office in the city.

"When I first came to Shanghai in 1992, the city was still a construction site, but now it has taken shape," said Browne.

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Foreign reporters praised Shanghai for its beauty and the organizational work it has done for Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation meetings being held in the biggest commercial city of China.

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