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Tuesday, October 16, 2001, updated at 13:12(GMT+8)

Journalists Pleased With APEC International Media Center Services

Over 3,000 mediapersons from home and abroad are pleased with the services they have been enjoying in the APEC International Media Center since it opened officially on Monday.

"This is the best organized APEC meeting I've been to" in terms of first-class facilities and services, such as internet and satellite links, Andrew Browne, Reuters Beijing Bureau chief told Xinhua on Tuesday.

Browne is also impressed by smiling volunteers in red T-shirt, mainly university students, who are available almost at every corner and at anytime to provide information a journalist covering the 9th APEC economic leaders' meeting might need.

"All of them are very friendly and have very good command of English," Browne said.

Saori Matsufuji, coordinator for Japan's NHK Joho Network, shared Browne's view. She said: "We don't have any difficulty working here except the strict security measures, but we fully understand that."

Her colleagues all expressed satisfaction with the work of volunteers who they described as "very kind and helpful," she said.

The organizational work is also good, said an AFP correspondent.

Eleven Automatic cabinets for depositing parcels are fixed in the center for reporters to keep their valuables or bags too heavy to carry when they rush to one press conference room or another. The service is free of charge.

Forgot your pin number? it does matter, just call 50496124 on a sticker and the problem will immediately be solved.

The Bank of China has installed an ATM machine in the media center and it, which accepts Mastercard, Maestro and Cirrus credits cards, operates 24 hours a day during the period from October 13 and October 22.

If you have brought traveler's check with you and you want to encash it, it can be done in a matter of minutes at a Bank of China special counter manned by three experienced bank workers non- stop from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m..

Wang Ceng, a Bank of China officer in charge of the special service, told Xinhua that everyday over 100 reporters come to the counter for financial service.

If you are hungry, food is provided in the media center from morning to evening, of course, free of charge.

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Over 3,000 mediapersons from home and abroad are pleased with the services they have been enjoying in the APEC International Media Center since it opened officially on Monday.

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