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Monday, October 15, 2001, updated at 21:24(GMT+8)

FM Spokesman Refutes Rumors, Reiterates China's Anti-Terrorism Stance

Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesman Sun Yuxi on Monday refuted rumors spread by some foreign media regarding China's stance on anti-terrorism and reiterated China's firm position on the issue.

When asked to comment on reports by some foreign media that the Chinese government has sent Muslim soldiers of the People's Liberation Army to Afghanistan to give aid to the Taliban armed forces and Osama bin Laden's al-Qaida network, Sun said China's anti-terrorism stance is clear and steadfast, and such reports are utterly groundless.

Those media who spread such rumors in the current circumstances must have ulterior motives for doing so, Sun said.

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Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesman Sun Yuxi on Monday refuted rumors spread by some foreign media regarding China's stance on anti-terrorism and reiterated China's firm position on the issue.

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