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Monday, October 15, 2001, updated at 09:01(GMT+8)

Chinese Dancing to Focus on Characters: Expert

The creation of unique characters will dominate China's dancing stage in the next decade rather than focus on dancing techniques, predicted Feng Shuangbai, director of the Dancing Department of the China Art Research Institute.

Feng made the remarks at the conclusion of the fifth national dancing contest last week, which highlighted new dances choreographed in the last three years.

Classic, ballet, ethnic and modern dancing were able to be performed in front of the same judges thanks to the newly adopted appraisal system. Yu Ping, an official with the Ministry of Culture in charge of the event, said it has encouraged young choreographers and performers to present more stories themed about their own understanding of life.

As one of the judges, Feng said modern dance entries have taken the stage to show their concerns about changes in real life. Two of these dances were awarded first prize for their creativity while the stereotyped ethnic dances were eliminated.

Meanwhile, modern dancing techniques have been applied to traditional dances to improve their standard.

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The creation of unique characters will dominate China's dancing stage in the next decade rather than focus on dancing techniques, predicted Feng Shuangbai, director of the Dancing Department of the China Art Research Institute.

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