HK to Invest 600 Billion HKD in Infrastructure

A phenomenal investment of HK$600 billion (US$76.9 billion) will be spent on infrastructure development in Hong Kong.

Speaking at a press conference to outline the policy objective of the Works Bureau, Lee Shing-see, Secretary for Works of Hong Kong, said Saturday that the total consisted of HK$400 billion (US$51.3 billion) on government capital works program and HK$200 billion (US$25.6 billion) on railways.

Lee noted that under the government's capital works program administered by the Works Bureau, there were 1,600 committed projects with total outstanding commitment of about HK$400 billion.

Major spending areas include highways, new towns and urban area development, environmental improvement, flooding control and buildings.

"Among these 1,600 committed projects, there are 170 new projects with a total of about HK$90 billion (US$11.5 billion). These new projects, together with a package of enhanced minor works program, will provide a total of 20,000 jobs in the coming years," he said.

The key items include new leisure, culture-related projects, final phase of the school improvement program, and other new projects.

People's Daily Online ---