Vietnam Pays Attention to Sino-Vietnam Friendship: Party Official

Vietnamese Party and Government pay attention to the development of the traditional Vietnam-China friendship and hope the young people of the two countries make positive contributions to the friendly ties between the two countries, said a high-ranking Vietnamese party official.

Politburo Member and Permanent Secretary of Secretariat of the Communist Party of Vietnam Central Committee Phan Dien made the remarks while meeting here Friday with visiting First Secretary of the Communist Youth League of China Zhou Qiang, who is leading a 80-member Chinese youth delegation in visiting Vietnam.

Vietnam and China, which are two neighbors bound by mountains and rivers, have traditional friendship fostered by President Ho Chi Minh and Chairman Mao Zedong, Dien said.

Now both countries are engaged in the cause of renovation, reforms and opening-up drive. Under the context, further developing Vietnam-China friendly cooperation not only benefits two countries but also serves the peace and stability of the region and the world.

He expressed his welcome to the Friendship Meeting of Chinese and Vietnamese Youth, saying that he hopes Vietnamese and Chinese young people make more positive contributions to the Vietnam-China friendship.

During the meeting, Zhou said Chinese young people is determined to join with Vietnamese young people in promoting the traditional Sino-Vietnamese friendship to a new phase, contributing to the cause of socialist construction of each country.

On the same day, Zhou and First Secretary of Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union of Vietnam Hoang Binh Quan signed here a cooperation agreement between the Communist Youth League of China and the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union of Vietnam during the period of 2002-2003.

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