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Wednesday, October 10, 2001, updated at 08:34(GMT+8)

Al Qaeda Calls for More Terror

After the United States claimed air supremacy above Afghanistan today, al Qaeda, one of its prime targets in the country, again called on all Muslims to respond with a holy war, saying America had "opened a door that will never be closed."

Suliman Abu Geith, a spokesman for al Qaeda, issued a video statement calling on Muslims to join in a holy war, or jihad, against the United States, saying attacks against U.S. interests would continue.

"America must know that the storming of airplanes will not stop," he said, according to one translation. He called the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks using hijacked airplanes against the World Trade Center and the Pentagon a "good deed."

He said attacks against the United States would continue until America "leaves our land," stops supporting Israel, and stops the embargo against Iraq, according to the translation.

"We will fight them with everything material we have and we will be victorious. America has opened a door that will never be closed."

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After the United States claimed air supremacy above Afghanistan today, al Qaeda, one of its prime targets in the country, again called on all Muslims to respond with a holy war, saying America had "opened a door that will never be closed."

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