Beijing to Stage "Latest Music Trends from Europe"

A two-day chamber music program, titled "The Latest Music Trends from Europe" and involving three well-known bands from abroad, will be staged in Beijing from October 9.

The program, to mark the 52nd anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, is jointly-sponsored by the China International Culture Exchange Center, China International Culture and Art Co. Ltd., the Logistics Integrated Communication, and the embassies of Spain, Portugal, Britain and France in Beijing.

Carlos Barretto's Quartet, with musicians from Spain and Portugal, will start the concerts on October 9, featuring the jazz and black rhythm, and full of ahead-of-fashion music.

The British band "State of Bengal" and the French band "Rachid Taha" will also give performances during the two-day concerts.

According to the British embassy, the "State of Bengal", which is good at combining Asian music with the mainstream dance music of Britain, will make a performing tour in Beijing, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Chongqing and Shanghai.

The French "Rachid Taha" has mixed elements from electronic music, rock-and-roll and the Arabian music to create a happy yet mysterious style.

Keith Davies, an official with the British embassy, said he hoped to let Chinese know more about the current British culture by supporting young British artists to perform in China.

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