China's Earliest Exhibition Hall Discovered

China recently discovered its earliest exhibition hall, built for an exposition held in 1929 in Hangzhou, capital of Zhejiang province, east China.

Located near the tourist attraction West Lake in Hangzhou, the exposition hall was built in 1928 with a floor space of 3,520 square meters.

Looking into the hall from the entrance, visitors can see a map of the exposition site made with colorful tiles, with the Chinese characters for "Industrial Product Hall for West Lake Exposition" originally below it.

Under the influence of the Western countries, small expositions were held in the early 20th century in Beijing, Shanghai and Wuhan usually in rented venues, such as shops, hotels, villas and temples.

Over 20,000 people visited the 1929 exposition, where miniatures of the state-of-the-art planes, warships and locomotives were on show, according to records.

People's Daily Online ---