FM Spokesman: China Has No Connexion with Vatican

Currently, China has no connexion with the Vatican, said Zhu Bangzao, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman at a press conference on September 27.

ˇ°How about the relationship between China and the Vatican," asked a reporter, "and is there any new contact between the two countries recently?".

Zhu said that there is no contact between the two countries. China holds a clear-cut attitude and position on this issue. The Vatican should make more efforts on establishing and developing formal relationship with China. First of all, the Vatican should admit that there is only one China, the government of People's Republic of China is the only legal government representing the whole China, and Taiwan is an inalienable part of the sacred territory of China. Secondly, the Vatican should not intervene in China's internal affairs, including not by means of religious activities.

By PD Online staff member Huang Ying

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