Ethiopian Economy to Be Affected by Terrorist Attacks in USBerhane Mewa, president of Ethiopian Chamber of Commerce, has said the economic crisis currently manifesting itself in the United States due to the terrorist attacks two weeks ago would have its adverse effects on Ethiopia, the weekly Reporter newspaper reported on Wednesday."The economic meetings scheduled to be held between the United States and other countries have been canceled," Berhane said, adding that one of these meetings is the American business summit which was generally expected to strengthen economic ties between Africa and America. The cancellation of the meeting negatively affects the trade order between Africa and America which would have facilitated the export of tax-free goods to the United States, said Berhane, who is also the president of Addis Ababa Chamber of Commerce. He said such a crisis is manifesting itself at a time when Ethiopia is making preparations to make a triumphant entry into the American market. The crisis has also put in question the issues of reinsurance and war, he said, noting that the issues related to reinsurance for any accidents created by war are being hotly debated. It is to be recalled that in the course of the crisis, the transfer of banking accounts between Ethiopia and America has virtually stopped. |
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