China Demands US to Immediately Lift Sanction on Chinese Company

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhu Bangzao says in a press conference September 25 that China demands the US to immediately lift the sanction imposed against a Chinese company under the pretext of nuclear proliferation.

A reporter asked, on September 1 the US government decided to impose sanction against a Chinese company for "exporting missile technology to Pakistan", and whether China wishes the US to lift it.

In his answer Zhu points out it is our consistent principle that Sino-US cooperation in anti proliferation must be based on mutual respect, trust and be in consideration of each other. We demand the US to lift the sanction immediately to create necessary conditions for resuming talks on anti nuclear proliferation.

Relevant Chinese companies issued a statement on September 5, saying the above mentioned Chinese company is for civil industrial products and had been operating within state-approved business scope since its establishment. In its export business the company had been strictly abiding by state export regulations. The statement also promises that the company has never engaged in producing and selling any military equipment, weapon and component parts to any country.

By PD Online staff member Li Heng

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