China Announced to Prevent Cholera Spreading into China

September 24 saw General Administration of Quality Supervision and Quarantine issue an notice to strictly prevent the spread of cholera into China.

According to recent reports from World Health Organization, cholera broke out in Burkina Faso, Cote D'Ivoire and Niger. By the end of August 12, 2001, 897 people in Cote D'Ivoire were infected by the disease with 47 of them lost their lives.

In order to prevent cholera from spreading into China and protect health and safety of people in the aforesaid countries of epidemic disease, China makes the following stipulations for tourists and cargoes from the aforesaid regions in accordance with related articles in Sanitation Quarantine Law of People's Republic of China.

Tourists from the aforesaid regions having symptoms like vomiting, diarrhea should state to entry and exit quarantine office, and related personnel should take control measures to those cholera-affected people, suspected cholera carriers and those in latent period.

Related entry and exit quarantine institutions should examine vehicles, cargoes, containers, postal parcels from the cholera-affected areas and if necessary disinfectant measures should be taken on those goods. Foods like aquatic products, fruits, vegetables and beverage should undergo hygienic treatment.

Related departments and tourism health centers should provide information on international infectious diseases and tourism hygiene knowledge.

By PD Online staff member Li Yan

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