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Wednesday, September 26, 2001, updated at 09:24(GMT+8)

Putin Visits Germany

Putin Visits Germany
Visiting Russian President Wladimir Putin on Tuesday expressed Russia's solidarity with the United States to combat terrorism.

Political goals could not justify "atrocities," Putin said in a speech to the German parliament referring to the terrorist attacks in the U.S..

While he stressed that the current security structure was not able to withstand the new threat of terrorism. The countries were "bound up with an old value system," he added.

"The Cold War was over and the world has become more and more complicated," he said.

Putin, on his three-day visit to Germany until September 27, met with German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder earlier Tuesday.

Both leaders called on a "resolute" fight against international terrorism. The countries that protected the terrorists should be accounted for, said Schroeder.

Putin stressed the integration of the European culture and Russia' affiliation with Europe.

Both Putin and Schroeder showed their satisfaction over the economic relationship between the two countries. The bilateral economic relations were boosted through the reform process pursued by president Putin, said Schroeder.

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Visiting Russian President Wladimir Putin on Tuesday expressed Russia's solidarity with the United States to combat terrorism.

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