Economic Issue to Top Agenda of Summit, Terrorism to be Concerned

The economic aftermath of the terrorist assaults on the US will be a major topic in the upcoming Shanghai summit of the 21-member Asia Pacific Economic Co-operation (APEC), Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhu Bangzhao said Tuesday in a press briefing.

In response to a question put to him by reporters, Zhu said that China, as the host of this year's APEC, has been conferring with other members on the subject of theeconomic impact that is being felt by the global community.

"The attacks have sent huge ripples around the global community and its economic impact can be felt around the world, including the Asia Pacific,'' said Zhu.

"Attention will be paid to the issue in the APEC gathering in the necessary way.''

Zhu did not elaborate.

Chinese officials said earlier this month that the APEC members will look in-depth at the regional economy on the October 20-21 gathering, as they will try to come up with concerted efforts to boost global trade, which analysts fear is on the brink of recession.

Zhu said that China hoped the economic wake out of the attack tragedy can be capped under the lowest magnitude.

In Tuesday's news briefing, Zhu said that Beijing is ready to consult and collaborate with Washington to put a lid on the financial sources succoring the global terror activities, which China saw as a major threat to global peace and stability in the new millennium.

"China's commitment to join the global front against terrorism embraces the issue of preventing and checking the money channels linked with the terror attacks,'' Zhu said.

US President George W. Bush vowed on Monday to break down the financial foundations of terrorist groups. In an executive order, Bush demanded that all assets in the US linked to terrorist groups be immediately frozen.

But Zhu said the global battle on terrorism should be consigned to the deliberation of the United Nations, giving the key multi-lateral international body a major role to play.

China and the US are two of the five permanent members siting on UN Security Council. Other countries include France, Russia and the UK.

Collaboration between the two countries on terrorism has increased in recent weeks, with senior officials from the two sides trading on the issue via hot lines or working visits.

Chinese Foreign Minister Tang Jiaxuan headed for Washington last week to trade the issue with US Vice-President Dick Cheney and Secretary of State Colin Powell. Zhu said Tuesday that the trip achieved a positive result, helping the mutual ties to improve.

Earlier next year, the two nations will hold meetings in the vice-foreign-ministerial level to talk about the situation in Asia andrelated policies.

In response to news reports that Tokyo is considering military assistance for Washington's proposed military strike against Afghanistan, Zhu said Japan should move cautiously on the subject.

"We understand the global co-operation and consultations against terrorism and hope that every party can contribute to the crusade in terms of its own conditions and under the spirit of the UN principles and charters,'' said Zhu.

"However, due to historical reasons, Japan's role in military action has been a sensitive issue. Therefore, Tokyo should take precautions.''

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