China Offers the Best Vista for Investment in Coming Five Years

In five years to come China indicates a bright prospect for investment, according to Asian Finance published on September 23.

A survey conducted by the magazine shows that Hong Kong is thought to be the top financial center in Asia, while Shanghai is the most profitable market in China's inland. In the survey a total of 369 finance administrators, bankers and government officials were asked to voice their opinions on Asia in five to ten years to come. About 71 percent of them consider that the Chinese inland is the most worthy place for investment, followed by Singapore and Hong Kong, and 64 percent of them think in the following ten years north Asia will show a faster development than southeast Asia.

According to Hong Kong Commercial Daily, the survey result is in accord with the global investment report published by UN a few days ago. It says foreign direct investment flown to southeast Asia last year was still low, with its percentage in total Asia investment declined from mid 1990s' 30 percent to last year's 10 percent.

By PD Online staff member Li Heng

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