Integrated-Circuit Industry to Enter a New Stage-Vice Premier

A national working conference on integrated-circuit industry was held in Shanghai, September 17. In a letter addressing the meeting vice premier Wu Bangguo urged people in the trade to accelerate industry construction and technological innovation so as to make sure that the whole industry enter a new stage in the 21st century.

Since 1996 joint efforts have been made and progress achieved on industry scale, economic performance, technological level, fund raising, cooperation with foreign investors and enterprise reforms, Wu said.

As pointed out in the Fifth Plenary Session of the 15th Central Committee of Communist Party of China (CPC) priority should be given to development of national economy and social informationization progress as a motive force for industrialization so as to push forward the information industry as a whole. As a base and core of information industry, integrated circuit is of great importance to national economy, national defense, people's life and information safety. We should know that the integrated circuit industry still remain as a bottleneck for the information industry and it is an urgent task to solve the problem.

He hoped that people in information and integrated circuit industry should shoulder up their responsibilities by building up experience and making bigger progress.

Wu Jichuan, Minister of Information Industry, said at the meeting that rapid development of information industry has created huge market demand for integrated circuit and work should be done on following four points:

First, to implement the State Council's policies on encouraging development of software and integrated circuit industries. Secondly, to carry out the special plan on integrated circuit industry made for the tenth Five-year Plan Period (2001-05). Thirdly, to develop a technological innovation system for the industry as soon as possible. Fourthly, to create a good external environment to encourage development of integrated circuit industry.

By PD Online Staff Li Heng

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