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Friday, September 14, 2001, updated at 09:10(GMT+8)

US Trains Collide with 100-300 on Board, Say Reports

Reports from the US say two trains have collided in the state of Utah.

One report said one of the trains was on fire.

It is believed one of the trains was carrying passengers. An estimated 100-300 are said to be on board.

The other train involved was believed to be carrying freight.

The reports, on US television networks, could not immediately be confirmed.

Emergency plan

A hospital spokesman told the Associated Press agency that a "mass casualty plan" has been activated, but so far only minor injuries have been reported.

A hospital in Salt Lake City has been advised to prepare to receive the injured.

Emergency services including a helicopter are on their way to the scene, and buses have been sent to pick up passengers.

Many US citizens unable to use air routes since Tuesday's terror attacks have been using rail services instead.

Wendover is in western Utah near the Nevada border.

In This Section

Reports from the US say two trains have collided in the state of Utah. It is believed one of the trains was carrying passengers. An estimated 100-300 are said to be on board.

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