China Helps American Tourists Stranded in the Country

China will provide all necessary services to American tourists stranded in China due to flight cancellation.

According to the statement issued by China National Tourism Administration (CNTA) Wednesday, the national tourism industry stands by the side of all peace-loving people in the world and consistently opposes all forms of terrorism.

During this special period, both the central and local Chinese tourism administrations, as well as tourist agencies will provide aid to visitors from all parts of the world.

CNTA says Tourism promotes friendly communication among nations. The Chinese governmenand people are able ensure the safety of tourists in China, and we welcome tourists from all countriess especially the United States to visit China, the CNTA statement says.

FM Spokesman: Chinese Government Concerned About Americans in China

The Chinese government is concerned over the situation of US citizens who are working, doing business, traveling or studying in China, said Zhu Bangzao, the Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman, Wednesday. He said that the Chinese Foreign Ministry, the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation (MOFTEC), and the Ministry of Education expressed sympathy for these US citizens, and are ready to help them resolve any difficulties they are facing.

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