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Saturday, September 08, 2001, updated at 10:33(GMT+8)

Exhibition of Slogans for Shanghai's 2010 World Expo Bid

The Unveiling Ceremony and Exhibition of Expo 2010 Shanghai China Bidding Slogans and Posters was opened in Shanghai on September 7 to showcase the enthusiasm of national support for Shanghai's bid to host the 2010 World Exposition.

A middle-school student in a wheelchair arrived at the show today. His slogan and design "Ecology, Human Culture and Technology -- Main Theme of Urban Development " was selected as one of the ten best slogans from over 6,141 entries sent to the city's organizing committee for the bidding.

The Chinese Government has given its full support for Shanghai' s bid. The city submitted the application to the International Bureau of Expositions in May this year.

Besides Shanghai, Moscow in Russia and Ryosu in the Republic of Korea have also submitted applications for the 2010 World Exposition.

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The Unveiling Ceremony and Exhibition of Expo 2010 Shanghai China Bidding Slogans and Posters was opened in Shanghai on September 7 to showcase the enthusiasm of national support for Shanghai's bid to host the 2010 World Exposition.

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