Russian Missile Blast in Kazakhstan Blamed on Faulty Equipment

Human error and a failure in instrument and automatic detonation equipment led to the Russian S- 300 missile blast in Kazakhstan on August 22, media said Thursday.

Russian Deputy Commander of the Air Force Aleksandr Gorikov sent the investigation results of the accident to Serikbek Daukeyev, head of western Kazakhstan state, where the missile fell.

It was the first accident in 3,000 launchings of S-300 missiles. And Russia is so concerned that it reportedly won't fire this type of missiles from the Ashuluk testing ground in south Russia's Astrakhan region again before the summer of 2002, said Gorikov.

The August missile blast caused no casualties or serious property damage.

The Foreign Ministry of Kazakhstan has demanded Russia stop firing missiles from the Ashuluk testing ground and on other borders of the two countries.

The accident was the fifth since the independence of Kazakhstan one decade ago.

People's Daily Online ---