Investigation on Hijacked Case Ended, Chinese Fishing Boat Soon to Return Home

Yemen police have concluded all investigation on the hijacked case of No. 226 fishing boat of China Fuzhou Yongfeng Fishery Deep-sea Co. and the boat will recently be allowed to set sail home from Aden Port of the Republic of Yemen.

According to the Maritime Police Office in Aden, the investigation report has been submitted to the Aden Security Office and then will be put on records by Yemeni Ministry of Interior and Yemeni Ministry of Foreign Affairs. In addition, except not knowing the whereabouts of the escaped pirate, the other six Somali pirates who are jugged in Aden Maritime Police Office will be handed over to the Somali Consulate in Aden and then be repatriated to Somalia.

No. 226 fishing boat of China Fuzhou Yongfeng Fishery Deep-sea Co. foiled an armed attack by a gang of local pirates aboard in Somalia on August 23, 2001. Composed and Sober-headed, the Chinese crew launched a counter-hijack struggle against the pirates and finally subdued them. On August 27 they succeeded in arriving at Aden Port of the Republic of Yemen.

By PD Online staff member Huang Ying

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