Uncertainty Remains over Improved Cross-Strait Economic, Trade Ties: Article

The failure by Taiwan to embrace the "One China" principle casts a shadow and uncertainty over improved cross-Strait economic and trade ties, according to a signed commentary published Friday by Xinhua News Agency.

The commentary says the "Economic Development Advisory Commission" of the Taiwan authorities has recently achieved a consensus on loosening restrictions on cross-Strait economic and trade and direct shipping links, but failed to reach a consensus on recognizing the "One China" principle.

The promise by the Taiwan authorities to ease cross-Strait economic and trade links was not made out of its will but under great pressure, says the commentary.

It explains that the leader of the Taiwan authorities has so far refused to embrace the "One China" principle and the "1992 Consensus" while his ruling Democratic Progressive Party still holds its spirit tablet of "Taiwan Independence".

"How can they have the sincerity to improve cross-Strait ties and promote cross-Strait dialogue and exchanges while still stubbornly adhering to the stance of "Taiwan Independence?"

It urges the Taiwan authorities to accept the "One China" principle and recognize the "1992 Consensus" in order to promote the economic development of Taiwan and improve cross-Strait relations.

People's Daily Online --- http://english.peopledaily.com.cn/