Shanghai Enhances Efforts for Children's Development

The Shanghai Municipal Government plans to create a better environment for children's growth in the coming five years.

An official from the municipal government said the municipal government will improve children's overall health level. Shanghai will establish a comprehensive health care system for pregnant women and new-borns by the year 2005.

The municipality will make efforts to control the incidence of anemia among children, as well as child obesity. By the year 2005, over 95 percent of one to seven year old children will be covered by the community health care network.

The nine-year compulsory education system will continue to be implemented, and over 95 percent of parents with children aged between one and 18 will receive directions on family education.

By the year 2005, over 80 percent of the communities in Shanghai will be equipped with sports facilities and playgrounds for children.

Efforts will be made to increase children's knowledge of popular science, according to the official.

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