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Wednesday, August 29, 2001, updated at 14:47(GMT+8)

Shanghai to Receive Two Million Overseas Tourists

Shanghai has received 1.15 million overseas tourists during the January-July period, up 22 percent from the corresponding period of last same.

An official from the municipal tourism bureau predicts that over 2 million overseas tourists will come to Shanghai this year, and bringing about 1.96 billion U.S.dollars of tourism income. Shanghai expects to get over 100 billion yuan (about 12 billion U. S.dollars) of income from tourism this year, up 12 percent over last year.

Shanghai has made great efforts to improve its tourism facilities in recent years and established 22 tourism consultancy centers. An information service network connecting to world's tourist attractions has been set up.

The city has also opened 36 itineraries linking with over 150 scenic sites neighboring Shanghai.

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Shanghai has received 1.15 million overseas tourists during the January-July period, up 22 percent from the corresponding period of last same.

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