France Criticizes US Unilateralism

French Foreign Minister Hubert Vedrine Tuesday criticized the "new souverainist unilateralism" of the United States, saying it is an obstacle to a humane and well- controlled globalization.

"We will pursue with our efforts for a humane and well- controlled globalization even if the new souverainist unilaterlism of the United States does not help facilitating the process," Vedrine said at France's ninth conference of ambassadors that started Monday.

"Souverainist," a word brought into French vocabulary in the 1970s for those who claimed sovereignty for the Quebec province of Canada, is used as an adjective or noun for those who wish to possess supreme power.

The French minister also said that France will do everything possible" to end the tragedy in the Middle East, to help people in the Balkans to go beyond their past, and to resolve the conflict in the Democratic Republic of Congo."

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