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Saturday, August 18, 2001, updated at 18:25(GMT+8)

Universiade Future Looks Great, FISU Official

The future of the Universiade " looks great" because "we have more and more candidates" to host the games, said FISU media assistant Yvan Dufour on Saturday.

According to Dufour, Canada, Thailand and Australia have decide to bid for the 2007 Summer Universiade. Canada is also trying to host the 2007 Winter Universiade.

Host cities for the Universiade, unlike those for Olympic Games, receive no funding from FISU. But if a city wants to have new infrastructures, bidding for the Universiade may offer a chance to accelerate the process, the FISU media assistant said.

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The future of the Universiade " looks great" because "we have more and more candidates" to host the games, said FISU media assistant Yvan Dufour on Saturday.

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