China Finances More Scholars' Studying Abroad

China will subsidize 1,672 scholars to study abroad this year.

The announcement was made by the National Overseas Study Fund Management Commission in its appraisal of the funding for scholars studying abroad.

In the 2001 program supporting overseas study, China plans to sponsor 388 senior visiting scholars and another 1,284 visiting scholars and people for advanced studies in 42 countries and regions.

The commission also selected about 400 scholarship candidates of various projects in line with the inter-government agreement reached by China and other countries. All these people chosen will be sent in the next two years.

According to statistics released by the Ministry of Education, 3,323 people applied for state-financed overseas study this year. They come from universities, research institutes, administrative institutions and industrial enterprises.

Since 1995 when the program started, more than 9,000 people were sent from China for overseas study financed by this commission.

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