FISU Official: Beijing Needs "Cherry on the Cake" for Excellent Olympiad

A leading FISU official lavished his praise on the preparation for the coming World University Games here, saying that Beijing just needs to "put cherries on the cake" to put on an excellent Olympic Games in 2008.

Rock Campana, Secretary-general of the International University Sports Federation (FISU), told Xinhua here on Thursday that Beijing has been ready for the 21st Universiade, the first ever multi-sport world-class event which will kick off here next week.

"For the moment all the facilities and all the work here are excellent. So for the moment we have no complaints can say that we are very happy with all the preparation, we have no problem," Campana said.

"We know that everything would be on the highest level in the organization," he added.

Campana said he has the say in assessing the level of the organization because he had attended all the past Universiades since 1965, except one, and all the Olympic Games since 1972. "I can make comparison," he said.

"Conditions are ready for the Universiade. As for the Olympic Games in 2008, you have just to put a cherry on the cake and it will be the perfect," he said.

Beijing was awarded the 2008 Olympic Games in June this year when the International Olympic Committee met in Moscow.

Campana has been to China for a total of nine times, which made him well aware of what has happened in the world's most populous country.

"My first visit to Beijing was in 1984. I have been here for seven times and to Shanghai two times," said Campana. "Everytime I have seen tremendous progress in construction and other facilities."

"But one thing that Beijing has improved very much is the quality of life, it has improved tremendously in the last ten years," he added.

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