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Wednesday, August 15, 2001, updated at 16:02(GMT+8)

Zimbabwean Army to Help Speed up Land Reform Process

The Defense Forces of Zimbabwe will be used to speed up resettlement and ensure the process is carried out peacefully, The Herald newspaper Wednesday quoted a senior official as saying.

Minister of Lands, Agriculture and Resettlement Joseph Made said on Tuesday that his ministry had decided to enlist the services of the Zimbabwe Defense Forces after consultations with the ministries of local government, public works and national housing and rural resources and water development.

Help was need to ensure land reform was done speedily and in time for the next season. Although the government had gazetted most of the land required for resettlement, the implementation of the land reform program was still slow, Made said.

"Our resettlement teams have also been working with volunteer students in this regard and our calculation is that, apart from creating a general mood and psychology of obedience to law and order in the farming sector, the involvement of the uniformed forces should greatly enhance the pace and quality of implementation of the resettlement program," the minister said.

He said his ministry expected maximum cooperation from all parties in the newfound spirit of joint initiative in resettlement as well as in the national interest.

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The Defense Forces of Zimbabwe will be used to speed up resettlement and ensure the process is carried out peacefully, The Herald newspaper Wednesday quoted a senior official as saying.

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