Buildings of Former Nanjing National Government Listed as Unit for Cultural Relic Protection

Old buildings of former Nanjing National Government of the Republic of China have been listed as a cultural relic unit under the state protection.

Built between 1920s and 1930s, the old buildings include former "Executive Yuan", "Ministry of Foreign Affairs", "Ministry of Transportation", "Examination Department", "Supreme Court", "Kuomintang History Material Exhibition Hall" and others, a total of 9 old buildings. They are regarded as the cr��me de la cr��me of architecture in modern times.

Located at north Zhongshan road, the former "Ministry of Foreign Affairs" was designed by Huagai Architecture Design House, an eminent one at that time. Built of reinforced concrete it was a building of a flat top but decorated in traditional architectural style, a perfect example and an early probe of a new national style in the modern history of Chinese architecture.

Designed by Yang Tingbao, a well-known architect, the Kuomintang History Material Exhibition Hall located at the Zhongshan Road East is a very magnificent one. The former Nanjing national government, as a witness of history, recorded many important historic events in China's modern times.

During the Revolution of 1911, representatives from 10 provinces gathered in the Senate of the Nanjing Provisional Government for discussions on setting up a provisional central government, elected Dr. Sun Yat-sen temporary president, and promulgated the official name of China the Republic of China. In the meantime, the place was set as the Senate of Provisional Government of the Republic of China.

By PD Online staff member Li Yan

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