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Tuesday, August 07, 2001, updated at 08:08(GMT+8)

Cambodia Sets Up Committee to Ensure Peaceful Commune Election

The Cambodian government has set up a security committee to prevent violence in Commune Elections scheduled for February 2002, a senior official at the Ministry of Interior told reporters Monday.

The committee, endorsed by Prime Minister Hun Sen, would assign about 40,000 police and military police to maintain security around the country during the period of the commune elections, the official confirmed at the end of a meeting of the ministry.

A latest report from the Interior Ministry has indicated that 53 percent of a total of 6.25 million eligible voters throughout the country have registered as of August 4, 2001, in the 123,000 registration sites.

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The Cambodian government has set up a security committee to prevent violence in Commune Elections scheduled for February 2002, a senior official at the Ministry of Interior told reporters Monday.

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