Rodong Sinmun Refutes U.S. Rumor About "Missile Threat"

Rodong Sinmun of DPRK Thursday says in a siged article that the United States is groundlessly raising a hue and cry over "missile threat" from the DPRK and it is nothing but sophism to cover up its dominationist intention.

It further says:

The DPRK is a peace-loving state and the Korean people love and value peace. They are now exerting great efforts for increasing the defense capability of the country to cope with the U.S. ever more frantic war moves.

Its missile development is one of such self-defensive measures against the moves of the U.S. for aggression.

Nevertheless, the U.S., the world's largest nuke and missile possessor, is loudmouthed about "missile threat" from the DPRK. This is like "the guilty party filing the suit first." Such rumor about "missile threat" does not go down even with Americans.

The U.S. argues that the "Missile Defense" system is needed to "protect" its allies from "missile threat" from the DPRK.

No country in the world is going to pose a missile threat to the U.S. and its ongoing MD program is by no means intended for such "protection". This program is, in fact, needed for the U.S. to maintain an unchallenged strategic position and hold its military domination over the world.

The ulterior intention of the U.S. is to contain other big powers and the European union going against unipolarization by establishing MD at any cost under the pretext of the DPRK's "missile threat".

The U.S. frantic moves for MD might spark another arms race worldwide and the accelerated militarization of space seriously threatens the existence of mankind. Its bellicose elements are posing a grave nuclear and missile threat to the DPRK while seeking to shift the blame for it on to the DPRK, a victim. Such deed can be justified with nothing.

The U.S. should stop its foolish attempt to attain its strategic aims on the plea of the "missile threat" from the DPRK.

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