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Friday, August 03, 2001, updated at 20:32(GMT+8)

Concise Edition of CPC History Published

A book on the 80-year history of the Communist Party of China (CPC) has been officially published as a gift for the CPC's 80th founding anniversary.

The Concise Edition of the History of the Communist Party of China consists of 10 chapters and 160,000 Chinese characters. It takes the Party History Research Center of the CPC Central Committee more than two years to compile the book.

Zheng Keyang, an expert on Party building, said the main features of the book is to use facts to prove that the principle to adhere to the CPC's leadership and socialism is the choice of history and the people.

Unlike the past Party history books which put focus on inner Party struggles, the new book reflects the CPC's history in a scientific manner, he said.

By the end of last year, the CPC had 64.51 million members.

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A book on the 80-year history of the Communist Party of China (CPC) has been officially published as a gift for the CPC's 80th founding anniversary.

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