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Friday, August 03, 2001, updated at 20:32(GMT+8)

Chinese Foreign Minister Meets Singaporean Guests

Chinese Foreign Minister Tang Jiaxuan met Friday with delegation members of Leaders Administrative Program, a personnel training program of Singapore.

The delegation, led by Alan Chan Heng Loon, permanent secretary of the Ministry for Communications and Information Technology, aims to train permanent secretaries.

Tang said the training of qualified personnel is of great significance for developing countries if they are to gain an advantageous position in the intense international competition.

Sino-Singaporean cooperation in personnel-training has so far been successful, and China will strengthen cooperation with Singapore in this field, Tang said.

Chan said Singapore-China exchanges and cooperation have seen marked progress in personnel-training and other fields. He said he hoped the delegation's visit could enhance the understanding and friendship between officials from both countries and boost bilateral cooperation in various areas.

He also expressed appreciation for China's contribution to the regional stability and prosperity by active participating in regional dialogues and cooperation.

Invited by the Organization Department of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, the delegation started its China tour on August 1.

The visitors have exchanged views with officials from various departments since their arrival and will soon start its visit to Shanghai, China's largest economic hub, and northwest China's Gansu Province.

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Chinese Foreign Minister Tang Jiaxuan met Friday with delegation members of Leaders Administrative Program, a personnel training program of Singapore.

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