Beijing to Stage Shakespeare's Macbeth

The Anglian Shakespeare Company from England will stage Macbeth in Beijing from August 24 to 26.

Set in medieval Scotland, Macbeth murdered King Duncan and usurped the thrown. Under great guilt, he committed suicide when enemies attacked.

"Macbeth is the most concentrated, furious and horrible tragedy among Shakespeare's four masterpieces. The play depicts the bloodshed, betrayal and retribution and probes into the human nature. So it has been appealing to audience for centuries," said Wang Zhenmin, professor of Chinese Literature Department in People 's University of China.

The performance by Angele Shakespeare Company will offer the audience the original plot in English dialogue. The group has just toured around the world.

Chinese people are quite familiar with Shakespeare's tragedies which have been staged here including Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet and Othello.

People's Daily Online ---