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Thursday, August 02, 2001, updated at 17:56(GMT+8)

Int'l Children's Chorus Competition to Open Friday

More than 500 domestic and overseas children will participate in a chorus competition held in Guiyang, capital of southwest China's Guizhou Province, August 3-6.

The competition, part of the second international children's chorus festival, will also see the presence of more than 400 Chinese and overseas chorus specialists and government officials, organizers said Thursday.

Under the arrangements of the International Chorus Federation and the approval of the Chinese Ministry of Culture, the event will be jointly undertaken by the four cities of Hong Kong, Beijing, Guangzhou and Guiyang, with the major opening ceremony held in Hong Kong.

Organizers said there will be 11 chorus groups, including an international-level chorus groups from Argentina, the Netherlands and Slovenia.

Guiyang is awarded the right to hold the competition for its good reputation in children's arts. The city's children's art troupes have won many awards in major international competitions.

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More than 500 domestic and overseas children will participate in a chorus competition held in Guiyang, capital of southwest China's Guizhou Province, August 3-6.

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