Commentary: A Sensible Choice

Colin Powell, US secretary of state, paid a whirlwind-like visit to Beijing for 24 hours from July 28 to 29 with fruitful results: He brought with him the information about President George W. Bush's hope to develop constructive cooperative relations with China, Chinese President Jiang Zemin, Premier of the State Council Zhu Rongji and Vice-Premier Qian Qichen met with him respectively, he had an extensive and in-depth exchange of opinions with Chinese Foreign Minister Tang Jiaxuan; he had made fairly satisfactory preparation for President Bush's China visit this fall, which indicates that US relationship with China has again stepped onto the path of sound development. This move taken by the new US government in its China policy is commendable.

Developing Constructive, Cooperative Ties with China: a Sensible Strategic Choice

A look at the world shows that peace between China, the largest developing country, and the United States, the biggest developed country, benefits both nations and the world. This is the truth all previous US presidents since Nixon had finally come to understand.

However, at the beginning, the Bush administration took a haughty and hard-line stance toward China. It first abandoned the China-US "strategic partnership", emphasized strategic competitor, deliberately treated China coldly; later, its overweening arrogance on the plane collision incident angered China; then on the issue of Taiwan and on matters relating to arms sales to Taiwan and reception of official leaders, it frequently committed offences.Just as what was described by overseas media that the said administration had done everything challenging China-US relations. For a while, China-US relations were in a state like "the wind sweeping through the tower heralds a rising storm in the mountains". These practices, whether resulted from the pressure of certain domestic interest groups, or from its lack of diplomatic experiences, have harmed China-US relations and will finally impair the American interests.

The tense China-US relations have seen gradual relaxation since May, the United States has constantly made good-will expressions. At the end of May, Bush called on the Congress to continue granting China the NTR (normal trade relations) status, which had been passed by the House of Representatives with votes outnumbering last year's figure. China and the United States have reached new agreement on China's entry into the WTO, the United States has indicated that it has no objection to the 2008 Olympic Games to be held in China. Officials of the White House and the State Department have repeatedly expressed that the United States does not regard China as enemy, and the hope that Bush's visit to China can be realized and that China and the United States can maintain "a good relationship". When he came to visit China on July 28, Powell said to President Jiang Zemin that the United States hoped to establish constructive relationship with China. President Bush will come to visit China with the aim of seeking dialog and cooperation.

Reiteration of US Pursuance of One-China Policy: a Sensible Stand on Developing China-US Ties

The one-China principle and the three joint communiques are the foundation for the establishment and development of China-US relations. Taiwan is China's territory, on this question, there is no room for compromise to be made by China.

However, the scale and quality of arms sales by the Bush administration have gone far beyond the limit as set in the China-US joint communique, and the said administration has put in the word that it will try all it can to help in defense of Taiwan. This obvious provocation to China's national interest has not only met with China's strong opposition, but has been assailed by far-sighted American personages.

During his recent visit to China, Powell repeatedly expressed that the US government pursues a cone-China policy, this is the case in the past, and it remains so at present, and that the US side will abide by the three joint communiques between the United States and China and will strive to promote US-China relations.

Although it is impossible for Powell, in his recent trip, to solve various kinds of problems existing between China and the United States, in terms of attitude and principle, however, his sensible choice has undoubtedly laid a foundation for the relaxation of China-US relations and future development.

There are many common interests between China and the United States in their cooperation in economic and trade fields, in regional security and global problems. Mr. Henry Kissinger recently said that viewed from the angle of the general situation, there is the necessity for strategic cooperation between the United States and China, that China will become an important country and a vital link in American diplomacy. Conducting policy adjustment in accordance with the two countries' respective interests and developing mutual trust relations help both countries to further enhance their respective strength. The United States should not regard China as an opponent, otherwise, future generations will pay a long-ranging price for this. It is impossible to rule out differences, but engaging in cooperation hand in hand will provide more opportunities for common development.

Mr. Powell's China visit marks a good beginning for China-US relations to move forward. It is hoped that China and the United States can become a cooperative force promoting world peace and development in the new century.

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