Russian Navy Confirms Absolute Nuclear Safety for Lifting Kursk

The nuclear reactors of the sunk Russian submarine Kursk are completely not operational, and no hypothetical mechanical force can reactivate them, Russian Navy Spokesman Igor Dygalo told the NTV channel on Sunday.

"The cut-and-dried conclusion is that the mechanical impact that the Kursk underwent at the disaster time did not exceed the projected limits," said the spokesman as an international team of divers beginning cutting the fifth compartment of the ill-fated submarine.

According to him, the vessel's emergency mechanisms have been proved effective enough to prevent any leak from the reactor when the submarine sank last August at the Barents Sea after a few explosions ripped through its hull.

Even if a repeat thrust happened during the lifting operation, it would certainly not go beyond projected limits, Dygalo assured.

"Every measure is taken to avoid such situations, everything is accounted for and thought through," he added

According to latest Interfax reports, the diver team has begun cutting the fifth compartment of the Kursk, opening "technological windows" for the lifting operation scheduled in September.

People's Daily Online ---