DPRK, Russia to Develop Equal and Reciprocal Cooperative Ties

The Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) will develop equal and reciprocal cooperative ties with Russia, Yang Hyong Sop, vice president of the Presidium of the DPRK Supreme People's Assembly, said Wednesday.

Yang made the remarks at the reception given by Valery Denisov, Russian ambassador to the DPRK, on the occasion of the first anniversary of the historic meeting between DPRK leader Kim Jong Il and Russian President Putin.

Yang said that the DPRK has steadily strengthened cooperation and relations in various fields including politics, the economy, military affairs, culture and sports in the spirit of the DPRK- Russia joint declaration during the past one year.

The DPRK believed such equal and reciprocal cooperation would further expand and develop in the future, Yang noted.

Russian Federation is paying great attention to peace, stability and detente on the Korean Peninsula. Russia supports the aspiration of the Korean people for peaceful and democratic reunification reflected in the North-South Joint declaration, said Valery Denisov.

To put an end to Korea's division is not only the desire of the Korean people but an essential condition to ensure a durable peace on the Korean Peninsula and in all areas of Asia, he added.

The official Rodong Sinmun said Thursday in an editorial that the Pyongyang meeting between the heads of the two countries and the adoption of the joint declaration are historic events which provided a solid groundwork for developing the friendly and cooperative relations between the two countries in all fields. The development of the DPRK-Russia relations is in full accord with the interests of the peoples of the two friendly neighbors, added the article.

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