Nation Helps Tibet with Meteorological Services

The Chinese central government has helped the Tibet Autonomous Region with 161 meteorological projects since 1994 in order to promote weather forecast services for local economic and social development.

According to the China Meteorological News, meteorological departments of the region have received about 8.86 million yuan (about one million U.S. dollars) and 136 meteorological experts from other regions in the country.

Among the projects, the China Meteorological Administration (CMA) provided a meteorological satellite service, a data processing center and an analysis system, which has greatly helped Tibet update its meteorological services.

Departments in Beijing and Jiangsu have provided Novell computer network systems and multimedia display systems for their counterparts in Tibet.

With help from other provinces and regions, the weather forecast services in Tibet can now basically meet the demand of all walks of life, including in the fields of agricultural production, national and local water conservancy, communications, energy and ecological protection.

People's Daily Online ---