Monument Erected to Commemorate Tibet's Peaceful Liberation

The foundation laying ceremony for the peaceful liberation monument of the Tibet Autonomous Region was held Wednesday afternoon in Lhasa, the regional capital.

Chinese Vice President Hu Jintao and other officials of the delegation from the central government attended the ceremony.

Wang Zhaoguo, deputy head of the delegation, said at the ceremony that people still cherish the memory of those who contributed to the peaceful liberation of Tibet 50 years ago.

The leaders of Communist Party of China (CPC), soldiers and working staff who were dedicated to Tibet's peaceful liberation and development deserve respect and will live forever in people's minds, said Wang.

The peaceful liberation unfolded a new chapter in the history of Tibet, and Tibetans have since shaken off the shackles of imperialist invasion, he said.

The monument embodies the everlasting commemoration for the peaceful liberation of Tibet as a milestone in China's contemporary history, said the official.

Raidi, executive deputy secretary of the Tibet Autonomous Regional Committee of CPC, also delivered a speech at the ceremony.

The ceremony was presided over by Legqog, chairman of the Tibet Autonomous Region.

People's Daily Online ---