Indo-Pakistan Summit Collapses: Indian Media Reports

The two-day summit meeting between Indian Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee and Pakistan President Pervez Musharraf broke down due to the two side's differences on Kashmir and "cross-border terrorism", Indian media reports said Monday night in Agra.

The two sides failed to agree on a mutually acceptable joint declaration on improvement of bilateral relations despite four rounds of talks, said these reports.

Earlier, it was reported that a nine-point Agra Declaration had been prepared and would be issued on Monday afternoon or evening.

"President Musharraf has decided to return home. The president is leaving without a declaration," a Pakistan government spokesman was quoted as saying.

The Pakistan president, who arrived here on Sunday morning, had a farewell meeting with Vajpayee before heading for the Agra airport for his journey back home, said some Indian media.

Shortly after Musharraf's special plane took off, an Indian foreign office spokesperson was expected to appear at an overnight press briefing here.

So far there has been no official comment on the summit from the Indian side.

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