President Jiang: Avail the Great Success to Make China More Beautiful

Chinese President Jiang Zemin arrived in Chinese Embassy in Russia July 15 evening, making a call to the working staffs in the embassy and representatives of Chinese-funded companies and Chinese students in Russia.

Jiang gave a speech amid a warm applause. He said that both domestic and overseas Chinese are immersed in the great joy and triumph. Through bidding, the Chinese people have shown to the world our great strength in unity and confidence. The success is a great excitement and encouragement to all Chinese people.

He said that reviewing the 100 years' history of humiliation and the tough and arduous times that the Chinese people underwent, we have the reason to be proud of our country. We should take this opportunity to speed up China's economic growth and social progress, thereby making China more beautiful.

Jiang was also very pleased to have a photo taken together with those present on the occasion.

By PD Online staff member Li Yan

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