Sino-Ethiopian Relations Further Improving: Chinese Ambassador

Chinese Ambassador to Ethiopia Ai Ping has said that the Chinese government is taking necessary measures to materialize the accords both governments have agreed upon so as to make full use of the great potential in the Sino- Ethiopia relations.

The Chinese ambassador, in a recent interview with local media, noted that Ethiopia is a very important country in the Horn of Africa in particular and in Africa as whole, adding that "we hope to have comprehensive and fruitful relations with Ethiopia".

New momentum has been added to the bilateral relations between the two countries since the ruling Ethiopian People's Revolutionary Democratic Front came to power in 1991, he said.

The Chinese ambassador also spoke highly of the moves taken by the Ethiopian government to request Chinese experts to carry out vocational and technical training programs.

The Chinese government is encouraging Chinese businessmen to seek investment opportunities in Africa while the Ethiopian government has also taken a number of measures aimed at creating an enabling environment to attract Chinese investors to participate in Ethiopia's economic development, according to the Chinese ambassador.

From 1991 to 2000, the bilateral trade between China and Ethiopia witnessed a steady growth, the total trade volume amounts to 58 million U.S. dollars in the year of 2000.

People's Daily Online ---