10 People Murdered During Police Strike in Brazil

At least 10 people were murdered in Salvador, capital of northeast Brazilian state of Bahia, where a strike by police comes into its ninth day, local Estado news agency reported Friday.

The Brazilian government has sent troops to the city to cope with violence and looting that occurred as a result of the strike.

The police demanded a 100 percent increase of their monthly salary to 480 U.S. dollars, release the arrested strike leaders, and reinstatement of the laid-off police.

On Wednesday, security guards also joined the strike to demand higher salaries.

While state Governor Cesar Borges has refused to negotiate with the strikers, Central Bank President Armino Fraga ordered all banks closed. Also, schools have been closed at the order of Governor Borges.

In the absence of police, gangs of robbers have been terrorizing residents and forcing banks, schools and stores to close, said the news agency.

The government called in armed troops in 1997 when police in 12 out of the country's 27 states went on strike.

People's Daily Online --- http://english.peopledaily.com.cn/