Vice Premier Pledges to Hold Best Olympic Games in Beijing

Chinese Vice Premier Li Lanqing said in Moscow on Friday evening that the Chinese government will make every effort to ensure a perfect and best 2008 Olympic Games to be held in Beijing.

Li made the remarks at a grand ceremony held at the Chinese Embassy in Russia in celebration of Beijing being selected by the International Olympic Committee as the venue of the 2008 Olympic Games earlier on the same day.

The Chinese government will cherish this hard-won chance and honor and will continue to do its utmost to make the Beijing Olympic Games the best, most successful and unique one in the Olympic history, Li said.

Beijing's victory has proved once more that China, a just, progressive and strong country, enjoys broad respect and friendship in the international community, the vice premier stressed.

The win of Beijing is a new great achievement of the Chinese government in promoting world peace and development, and will accelerate China's reform and opening-up process as well as the modernization of the country, he said.

Jiang Congratulates on Successful Beijing Bid

Chinese President Jiang Zemin Friday night extended his congratulations on the Chinese capital's winning of the right to host the 2008 Olympic Games.

Jiang is attending a carnival at the Millennium Monument with other senior Chinese leaders including Li Peng, Zhu Rongji, Li Ruihuan, Hu Jintao and Wei Jianxing.

He called for efforts to make a success of the 2008 Olympic Games and expressed his thanks to friends all over the world for their support for the Beijing bid.

People's Daily Online ---