Breakthrough Achieved in Space Science and Application Research on 'Shenzhou II'

It is learnt from related departments that important breakthrough has been made in the space science and application research China conducted on the spacecraft "Shenzhou II" and a number of scientific achievements of important value have been scored in the fields of space material science, life science, astro-surveillance, environmental monitoring and forecasting, etc.

So far the orbital module of Shenzhou II has been operating normally for over 170 days, Shenzhou II has successfully conducted a series of experiments on space sciences. In astronomical studies, Shenzhou II has obtained several complete light curves, energy spectrums and time structures of the universe Y storm and discovered the super-soft X-ray, hard X-ray to Y-ray wide energy spectrum covering instances; in environmental surveillance, it has got a large number of specific mass spectra of the components of the atmosphere as well the practical data of atmospheric density; analysis of scientific and experimental samples of space materials such as returned metal alloy and compound metal material shows that China has made major breakthrough in multi-position space crystal grower and the corresponding space crystal growth technology which are developed by China itself; the centrifuge of the biological incubator and the control of illumination and temperature operated normally during the flight, thus laying a solid foundation for the further development of the research on the space life science and application.

By PD Online Staff Du Minghua

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